How It Works
Have up to 3 active listings at a time for free. Update or swap them anytime, or upgrade to unlimited listings for just $10/month!

Sell Your Homegrown Goods
Click the “Create a Listing” button on the home screen and fill in your details (post name, details, images, your address or meetup location). List your homegrown produce, eggs, meat, dairy, cottage food, small livestock, plants, trees, honey, and more! You can also create event listings for farm tours, U-pick events, classes, plant sales, and any other agriculture-related event.
Message with customers
Connect with your buyers through our in-app messaging. Do not exchange unnecessary personal information, but do answer any relevant questions and arrange an in-person sale.
Make the sale
Arrange your sale as a meetup, porch pickup, roadside farmstand details, or another in-person exchange. Shipping goods is not a feature at this time. At the sale, you can collect payment in a way that works for you (cash, venmo, paypal, etc).

Buy Local
Browse products by keyword or location, then message the seller to arrange a purchase. Payments are made off the app.