About Us

Create economic opportunities for local food growers and connect communities with the economic, environmental, and health benefits of locally grown food.

As a mission-driven marketplace, our first priority is community. Bringing people together is the focus of everything we do.

Our Why
Recent events have shown us the fragility of our national/global food systems. Unlike big corporations, local food resources (gardens, farms, etc.) are able to pivot in the face of change.

Hi! I'm Terra.
I’m a mom, a gardener (zone 5 in Michigan!), a web developer, and the founder of Farmish. Like a lot of families, we’ve grown and produced more of our own food over the last few years. We’ve also tried to find more local food sources and found that it took a lot of steps (asking around, searching in Facebook groups, googling, etc) to connect directly with local farmers. With so much technology at our fingertips, it should not be this difficult to keep our supply chain local when we have the producers right in our communities, so Farmish was born.
We’d love to hear from you! Please email us anytime and let us know your questions, thoughts, or comments.